Alexandra Cerezo

The world we want, time for change

Fashion respectful of human rights and the environment


The fashion industry currently accounts for 10% of global carbon emissions, it’s the second-largest water-consuming sector, and 85% of textiles end up in landfills every year.

Alexandra Cerezo is a Guatemalan fashion designer who advocates for the protection of human and environmental rights. She develops solution-based projects to advance sustainability in the apparel and textile industry.


Alexandra Cezero is Guatemala’s Coordinator of Fashion Revolution, the world’s largest fashion activism movement. She leads campaigns for a clean, safe, fair, transparent, and accountable fashion industry. 

Since 2017, she has carried out research on textile innovations that aim to facilitate the transition to sustainable fashion for both designers and manufacturers. Through research, education, and advocacy she is mobilizing citizens, brands, and policymakers to make the necessary changes for a viable and eco-conscious industry.


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