Shanley Clémot McLaren

26 years old
Go far, go together
Women's rights



At 17, during the #MeToo movement, Shanley blocked her high school to protest pervasive sexism, marking the start of her activism. During the 2020 lockdown, as explicit "fisha" accounts flooded social media, she launched #StopFisha to combat image-based sexual abuse and online gendered violence and co-authored the pioneering book "Combating cybersexism." Balancing roles as an activist, author, student at SciencesPo Paris, and policy advisor at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she dedicates her efforts to defending women and gender minorities online, fighting cybersexism on an international scale.


#StopFisha has allowed new laws to be passed in France to tackle online and technology-facilitated gender-based violence, including sextorsion and deepfake sexual abuse. It is also a “trusted flagger” of social media platforms, enabling effective and fast reports, and offers psychological and legal help to victims and survivors.

Women's rights

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